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Thursday, April 14, 2016

So Much Anger

People are so darn angry lately. Since when does your having a different opinion than me mean I should not spend time with you, not be friends with you, not listen to what you have to say? People who refuse to hear opposing views and take in new information must be so insecure in their beliefs. If you are so sure your belief is correct, you should not be threatened by having opposing views expressed. Why is it, then, that opposing views are squashed, their believers not even allowed to attempt to make their case? 

Clearly the answer is that people are not secure in their beliefs and are concerned that if others hear a different opinion, they will change their minds. Humanity benefits from the input of each individual, however insane you may feel they are. When you disallow a controversial speaker, unfriend someone on Facebook over a post with which you disagree, or become angry when someone expresses an opposing view, what you are really announcing is that your beliefs are so fragile that they cannot hold up to the scrutiny of the opposition.

Are you even interested in finding the very best answer out there or are you more interested in saving face? When a politician you tend not to agree with says something you think is illogical, I bet you denounce their argument; would you speak up if a politician you like made the exact same statement? You can and should point out flaws in anyone's arguments; it shouldn't matter who the person is.

As for me, I'm interested in pursuing the truth and the best solutions. I have my opinions but I try to welcome the opportunity to be proven wrong and be open to changing my opinions based on new information. If I begin to doubt my opinion after hearing a different view, that's not going to stop me from letting my friends share their opinions; more likely, I'll start to wonder if perhaps my opinion wasn't right in the first place.

We have some huge problems facing our country and our world today and yelling, name calling, and unfriending don't solve any of them. Not only must we be willing to truly understand the other person's point of view, but we must also be willing to accept new information and adapt our opinions accordingly. Let's learn to swallow our pride and look for the best answer, even if it's not the one with which we entered the discussion. Let's remember the humanity in each of us as we attempt to make our world a better place for all of us.

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