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Thursday, September 17, 2015

School Days

I just found this cute poem and thought I'd share. I'm disappointed that there is not a date on the paper but based on the handwriting I suspect I wrote it in 9th grade or later.
Image via
You start formal school when you're just five years
Filled with excitement and hope, but also fears

You show up with your mom or dad on that very first day
Ready to work hard but mostly you just want to play

Your backpack is so big and your new shoes squeak
The world is a big place and you're feeling quite meek

Soon you become accustomed to your school and its ways
After all, it is now where you spend most of your days

Before long you're eight and third grade is starting
You no longer fear leaving your parents since you are used to the parting

You've grown taller and morphed into a kid
You no longer look as little as you once did

Your learn cursive this year, as well as math and spelling
But that great big playground is still so compelling

More years pass and now you're eleven
Finally moving to middle school seems like it will be heaven

Sixth grade starts and you're ready for a change
But your new middle school seems so strange

You're still just eleven and the big kids are fourteen
You smile at them and hope they won't be mean

You learn to work your locker and are excited to see
That many of your friends also have Lunch B

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