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Monday, January 16, 2017

Missing You

Dear Friend,

It's been over two weeks since we parted, but still, everywhere I go, I see you and I miss you. I thought since we had already met when I was younger that visiting you wouldn't affect me much, but I was quite wrong. I think of you every day. When I am walking with my dog around our neighborhood, I remember walking your beaches, hiking your pristine wildernesses, and strolling your bustling city blocks. I picture how much my dog would love it there, too. I think of you when I sit down to eat chopped tomatoes and cucumbers for breakfast or peel an orange for snack. You taught me that vegetables for breakfast are wonderful and that, while frozen fruit lasts longer and is cheaper, keeping a stock of fresh fruit is definitely worth it. I often think of the amazing people you introduced me to and miss them, too. I approach each day with a little extra confidence because of my experience with you.

Just today, I thought of you as I wandered through Walmart to get my groceries. When I was with you, we went to beautiful open air markets. I still remember the smells of fresh food cooking and the sounds of merchants shouting out their offers in Hebrew while the latest Israeli music blasted from someone's booth. Those markets were crowded and loud like Walmart, but they were also festive and fun. I wish I could have done my grocery shopping with you today instead of at Walmart, but I'm thousands of miles away now. 

Until next time, Israel.

Fondly, your friend and ally,

Mahaneh Yehuda Market, Jerusalem
Mahane Yehudah Market, Jerusalem

Carmel Market, Tel Aviv
Carmel Market, Tel Aviv

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