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Monday, July 6, 2015

This Is News?

One of the big stories on social media today is the following: Abby Wambach Kisses Wife After Win. Yes, after the USA won the Women's World Cup, Wambach ran to the stands to find her wife and give her a kiss. But my question is, why is this news? Isn't the point of the gay rights movement for gay people to be treated the same as everyone else? If teammate Alex Morgan publicly kissed her husband after the big game or Carli Lloyd kissed her fiancé, would that be major news? I think not.

There is nothing noteworthy about Abby Wambach kissing Sarah Huffman yesterday. The fact that the media latched onto this special moment between partners and turned it into such a big deal means that they have missed the point of the gay rights movement- or at least whatever gay rights movement I am behind. I simply don't care whether someone is gay or straight. I see sexual orientation as just one small piece of each beautifully complex human being with traits such as kindness and honesty ranking far higher in importance than sexual orientation.

Abby deserved to be in the news today, but not in a frivolous story about a kiss. Is sexual orientation really the most important component of this internationally acclaimed soccer star? My hope is that someday, instead of being all over the news the next day, a kiss after a big win might just be left as a personal moment between an athlete and her biggest fan and that the media might focus their attention on things far more important than a star's sexual orientation.

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