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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Written by Little Me: "The Sick Eye"

In elementary school, we had an activity called Squiggle. The teacher would draw a simple shape in each child's notebook and then the child would turn it into a picture. Depending on the children's age and grade, a word, sentence, or whole story was written to go along with the picture.

This Squiggle and story are from May 12, 2000. I was in 2nd grade. I typed the story as it was written so you may notice some misspellings and punctuation omissions.

One day a little boy about one year old ate a big onion. Then his body didn't like it so his eyes poured tears. His mom came to him because she was at the table with the little boy along with the boy's dad. He came also. The mother and father took him to the doctor right then even though they hadn't finished their dinner. He wasn't there so the nurse helped them. There wasn't anyone else at the doctor's office so they went back into room seven and then the nurse asked the parents "What's wrong with your child?" "Well" said the mom "he ate an onion and started to have tears in his eyes. I guess he smelled it, mam." "Well, I guess you'll have to just let all the tears out of his eyes. If tears are still coming out tomorrow morning come back here. Doctor (my last name) will probably be here at about 7:30 or 8:00" said the nurse. The next day the boy's eyes were making tears still. So the parents had to take him to the doctor. Before they did the parents had to write what had happened to their son. At the top of the paper the mother wrote her son's name, Dilin Pickel. Then underneeth she wrote what happened. At the very bottom she sighned her name and Mr. Pickel sighned his. Then they went to Doctor (my last name)'s office. He looked at the paper. Then he gave Dilin a pill and right then the tears stopped! The End

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